Thursday, June 08, 2006


Looking over my last post, I realised that I completely forgot to actually say the stuff that I was going to talk about. Hence the addendum...

When I got back from Japan, my parents were over for a few days. They brought some of my stuff over from Ireland, which was very nice of them. For example, I now have my computer again, which is very handy. They got to meet Sido's mother for the first time (actually while I was still in Japan, which meant that poor Sido was stuck translating) and I think that it went quite well. They all got on swimmingly. It was a good trip - everyone seemed to enjoy the few days.

The house I came back to was quite different to the one that I had left two weeks earlier. Sido did lots of work while I wasn't there - the weeds were gone from the garden, there were curtains on the windows, boxes were emptied... Since then we've done a little more work on the garden and it looks much better than it did when we moved in. We even had a barbeque in it last night. Although, we're both sick, so neither of us really had much of an appetite.

I bought a book in Japan called 'The Intelligencier' which was very interesting. It's a story split between 1593 and the present day. T'was quite enjoyable. Considering that I was stuck in seat 44A (I don't like the back of planes or window seats) it was good to have something to distract me. Other than Scarlett Johansson (in Match Point).

I've now moved on to 'And Now I Can Die In Peace', by Bill Simmons, ESPN's Sports' Guy. I actually bought the book in October last year, but I've spent most of the intervening time reading computer books, so I hadn't gotten around to it. It's very good. If you're interested in American Sports at all, I'd recommend it.

Other than that, there's not a whole lot happening. If I think of anything else, I'll let you all know :-)

À la prochaine...